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10 Years New European College
I hope you are all well and you did not miss the update from the Chancellor too much. 😉
The last two months have been the toughest time for me since we started offering the programs of our university partners at New European College ten years ago.
Yes, we had our first lecture on the 9th of February 2015, and for me, that is the day we converted the vision of a boutique business school in Munich into reality.
Why the last two months? Well, as some of you might know, my mother fell seriously ill on the 1st of December last year, and being a loving son, it is my honor, responsibility, duty, and inner wish to be with her and assist her as much as she has assisted me throughout my life.
I consider education to be one of the most valuable assets in our society, and I was worried that with my mother being ill, I would not be able to keep my promise to the students at New European College of providing a tailored business education with an entrepreneurial touch.
Part of my vision of a contemporary business school is that it empowers its students to think for themselves and thereby develop entrepreneurial skills and the ability to discover opportunities. Or in simple terms, to think and act and not wait to be told what they must do.
Much of this originates from the many repetitive tasks (no thinking, no acting) I had to do during my many internships and studies at a time when young people were still categorically considered too inexperienced to think.
So, part of the idea of New European College was to have a business school that is run by students and alumni—empowering them and giving them responsibility to make decisions under my hopeful assumption that my passion for entrepreneurial business education would also become theirs.
Reflecting on the last ten years and especially the challenges of the last two months, it fills me with pride to see living proof that the empowering students method works. Not only have more than 10 companies been founded by graduates of New European College, but also all our graduates have also found employment, and finally, there is the magic of the team I have the honor and pleasure to be a part of.
Literally from the day I informed the team that my mother fell ill, this team (in alphabetical order)—Abhinav, Akash, Alina, Ariela, Clémence, Domenica, Neema, Pedro, and Olesya—took over and made sure that the rhythm of business education at New European College was not interrupted for a moment and that I was able to take care of my mother and my students.
In fact, on the day my mother fell ill, we had guests at NEC and an evening event with guests, students, and faculty at the Christmas Market. Ariela took the lead and, together with Alina and Abhinav, managed the evening event. Thank you.
Olesya, together with Alina, Abhinav, and Akash, made sure that the admissions department worked so smoothly that only on rare occasions was my input needed. And usually, they already presented solutions to any possible challenges. Thank you.
My colleague Neema, among many things, made sure to organize all the trainings that we provide for our partners early in the morning, giving me the opportunity to visit my mother at the hospital before going to campus. Thank you.
Ariela and Domenica reduced my responsibilities in the administrative organization to a minimum, and together we managed to hold an educative and fun project week during the week my mother received her second surgery. It was perfectly organized, and all I needed to do was focus with our students on SDG #4 – Quality Education. Thank you.
Akash made sure that despite the challenges, NEC students found accommodation in Munich, and Abhinav ensured I didn’t have to worry about our IT. Thank you.
Domenica and Clémence made sure that we had newsletters and that our communication channels were filled with authentic content. They covered for me when I was unable to write an update from the Chancellor. Thank you
Finally, this Friday, my mother received her 6th surgery in 2 months, and parallel to this, New European College held its Introduction Day for our new students. Thanks to this amazing team, we had a smooth introduction day, and all I needed to do was keep my fingers crossed—the surgery went well—and welcome our new students.
And this is only a small fraction of the magic my team did to make sure that our students and applicants are taken good care of.
Thank you. You make me proud.
Thank you also in the name of my mother.
Thank you also in the name of our students.
This is not the “normal” ten-year celebration update for New European College, I know, and in the coming months and weeks, we will share with you highlights and marvels of the NEC journey of the last ten years, but as I always say to our students:
Health first. Family first. Then the rest.
Sunny regards from Munich,
Sascha Liebhardt