Classes & Exams Cancelled Due to Storm
10. February 2020
An Inspiring Meet & Greet at NEC Alumni Wine Bar
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Classes & Exams Cancelled Due to Storm
10. February 2020
An Inspiring Meet & Greet at NEC Alumni Wine Bar
4. March 2020

Germany Ranked First in Europe and Third in the World for Study Abroad!

Germany has emerged as first in Europe and third in the world for students who want to study abroad, according to the results of’s 2020 global education survey.

Within this study, more than 30,000 students revealed that their priority when selecting a university is the university’s location. Other priorities such as cultural experiences, high quality teaching, and language learning provided a framework for ranking the countries based on publicly-available data.

Germany scored first in the world for its ​access to higher education​ and fourth in Europe for ​career possibilities after graduation​. Rankings were based on the following categories:

  1. To achieve my career goals
  2. To develop myself personally
  3. To experience a new culture or lifestyle
  4. To access higher quality teaching
  5. To have an adventure
  6. To make new friends or widen my professional network
  7. To learn a new language

Home to beer festivals, enchanting castles, giant pretzels, and fast cars, Germany has unsurprisingly emerged as the top pick for students who want to study abroad in Europe. Ranked first for access to higher education, Germany offers a fantastic education and exciting student life in cities such as Munich. Furthermore, as the largest economy in Europe, Germany is perfectly positioned to help students achieve their career goals.

View the survey results here and if you are interesting in kick-starting your business career by studying business in Germany, contact our admissions team today!
