“Choices for Success” with Executive Leadership Coach Dan Norenberg
4. March 2020
Interview with NEC’s First Scholarship Winner, Yuriy Trofymenko
24. March 2020Bachelor students go behind the scenes of fintech to understand how technology impacts the value chain of companies in the financial sector.
The theme of the March 2020 Project Week at New European College was ‘High Tech’. Consequently, our bachelor students spent a week looking into how technology impacts the value chain of companies in the financial sector. To bring this theme to life, we welcomed a series of guest speakers who could present in-depth on the various aspects of fintech.

The week commenced with guest speaker Al Lakhani, the founder and CEO of IDEE GmbH. A long and dynamic career in finance, his most notable project included the wind down of Lehman Brothers. Al guided students through an introduction to blockchain technology and spoke about the fundaments of cryptocurrency.
Following Al Lakhani was Brendan Todd, a Munich-based financial advisor and insurance/mortgage broker with significant professional experience in finance and banking. Brendan guided students through the concept of financial technology and Fintech’s role within the today’s market, along with Chancellor Sascha Liebhardt who shared an academic perspective on the subject.

The second part of Project Week engaged students in a case study about equity research, led by Artur Kampik, the Managing Director at LeanVal Investments GmbH. As a specialist in digital wealth and asset management, Artur spoke with students about digital disruption in the financial markets.
Bringing the week to a close, NEC finance lecturer and Founder/CEO of Finance2Stay GmbH Michael Epping presented on the topic of fintech within portfolio management and the loan sector.

As a final component to Project Week, students were organized into teams and asked to report on the key concepts learned throughout the week such as how fintech is affecting the German market and the upcoming trends and growth opportunities within fintech.
We sincerely thank Mr Lakhani, Mr Todd, Mr Kampik and Mr Epping for taking the time to work with our students and contribute to an engaging and informative ‘High Tech’ Project Week.