Update from the Chancellor: Status Quo – Corona Warning App – Returning to Germany
18. June 2020
First Dutch University in Bavaria
9. September 2020
Update from the Chancellor: Status Quo – Corona Warning App – Returning to Germany
18. June 2020
First Dutch University in Bavaria
9. September 2020

Meet Alina, Our Marketing Intern from Russia

Meet our current Bachelor student and new Marketing Intern, Alina Davydova! Originally from Russia, Alina moved to Munich last summer to begin her business studies at New European College, focused in marketing and communication. This summer, we are thrilled to have her join our team where she will be supporting our Marketing and Admission departments with their work to connect with and recruit international students and partners from all over the world.

Here are some interesting facts you might not know about her!

Alina Headshot 1x1

1. Alina originally comes from Russia – from quite a big city which is called Saratov. The city is in the Volga River region and the home of the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin!

2. Alina has been doing horse riding (Show Jumping, to be exact) for 11 years. She took part in international competitions and has won multiple prizes.

To note: Show jumping is a competitive equestrian event in which the horse and rider are required to jump, usually within a time limit, through a series of obstacles that have been designed for a particular show.

3. Alina finished her High School with a “gold medal”, meaning she received only excellent grades for her diploma.

4. Alina has lived in multiple cities throughout England such as Manchester, Liverpool, London and Oxford while studying English. This is what has helped her to learn the English language within only one year!

5. She speaks three languages: Russian, English and German.

6. At the age of 18, leaving everything in her city behind, Alina moved by herself to Munich where she is now getting her bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration at NEC.

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Interested in chatting further with Alina about her experience at New European College? Feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or via email at alina.davydova@new-european-college.com. She’s happy to speak with you in English or Russian!
