18th Annual AGBC Exchange Hosted at NEC
19. June 2024
Meet Andrea, the Newest Member of Our Marketing Team!
2. July 2024
18th Annual AGBC Exchange Hosted at NEC
19. June 2024
Meet Andrea, the Newest Member of Our Marketing Team!
2. July 2024

Ship Happened! NEC Summer Bash 2024


When planning a party to celebrate our students and faculty, we sought a unique venue that aligned with our entrepreneurial spirit, rather than settling for a typical bar or club. After extensive searching in Munich and nearly giving up, we discovered an unconventional yet perfect venue—a ship positioned on abandoned train rails on a bridge, which was surrounded by a beer garden. This ship, a former pleasure boat from Lake Ammersee, offered a vibrant and unique setting for their “Summer Bash,” aptly nicknamed “Ship Happens.”

The celebration coincided with the opening game of the European Football Championship, and the event featured a large TV for guests to watch the match between Germany and Scotland. The party was a success, drawing nearly double the expected number of guests, who enjoyed the 5-1 victory of the German team. The festive atmosphere was enhanced with temporary tattoos and the chance to try Ahoj Brause, a distinctively German effervescent powder known for its intense flavor.